Creating a Design System

I created this design system to guide the conception of my web portfolio. Through implementation, these guidelines will push me towards visual cohesion and keep me focused on building solid content.

In creating this visual system, I sought to ensure continuity between my web portfolio and my design personality. I consider my approach to design very focused, and the outcomes of my approach to be unique, yet adaptable. This design system is meant to convey these strengths.


The Foundations section includes typography and color standards for my web portfolio. Additionally, the logo page explores several variations on my logo for use on different backgrounds.


The Components section includes elements that are used repeatedly throughout the site, including buttons, cards, and responsive timelines. This section also contains responsive nav bars and footers for mobile, desktop, and tablet modes.

Page Patterns

The Page Patterns section includes home and project page layouts. This section explores variations in page structure at different breakpoints, accounting for mobile, tablet, and desktop sizes.